Welcome To The
Wellbeing Revolution

I give practice owners and healthcare professionals the tools to grow and run successful practices with ease, achieve outstanding patient results, their vision, freedom, choices and wealth.

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Lets Get Started…



Our online courses teach you to take your patient communication, leadership, technique and case management to the next level.


Clinic and Practice Owners

The complete solution to build and grow your Vision
whilst creating Freedom, Wealth and Choices for you
and your family.

Weekly Success Guide

Click the “button” below to receive my “Weekly Guide To Success” directly to your inbox!

It’s FULL of business mentoring, marketing gems and practice advice.

It is the best way to get access to all of my weekly thoughts and what’s currently being implemented in our multi disciplinary practice.

And it’s FREE!!

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A bit about Alex

Dr. Alexandra Smiljanic, the founder of Wellbeing Revolution Training and the Complete Practice Mastery Program, is a Practice Owner, Chiropractor, Coach and NLP Practitioner. Her practice serves over 700 wellbeing members and the strategies she teaches have fast tracked the 100s of practitioners and practice owners to achieve outstanding patient results and thriving practices without having to do it all. She offers success training and business coaching in her Associate Mentorship Program and Business Growth Mastermind.